Terms of use


Please carefully read the following terms and conditions (the “Terms“) governing your use (including access, browsing and/or use of any interactive features) of those portions of the SEPTODONT HOLDING websites accessible at www.www.septodontcorp.com, as well as and including any other SEPTODONT HOLDING websites or web pages accessible through the SEPTODONT HOLDING local websites or pages on third party social networking services, directed at French, Spanish and English speaking healthcare professionals in countries where there is no localized version of the SEPTODONT HOLDING websites accessible by going to the “Languages” page or link in the home page of www.www.septodontcorp.com (the “Sites”).

Different terms may apply in other countries or world regions where a local version of the Sites exists.

Use of the Sites is subject to these legally binding Terms and constitutes your agreement to be bound by and to act in accordance with these Terms. By accessing and using the Sites, you unconditionally agree to the following:


SEPTODONT HOLDING is a a corporation (Société par Actions Simplifiée), with a capital of 40 000 Euros, registered in the Créteil Trade and Company Register (RCS) under number 428 207 922

Headquarters located 58 Rue du Pont de Créteil, 94100 Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, France

Phone : +33 1 49 6 70 00

Email : contact@septodont.com

SEPTODONT HOLDING publishes the Sites. Its publication director is Olivier Schiller.

The Sites are hosted by:

Media Temple, 6060 Center Drive, fifth Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90045, United States of America. Phone: +1.310.841.5500

For any questions, please contact our Customer Service Department by filling out the “Contact Us” form.


SEPTODONT HOLDING and/or its affiliates worldwide own the domain names “www.www.septodontcorp.com”. The Sites are a creative work protected by intellectual property laws. The Sites as a whole and each of its individual components (including text, tree structures, software, animations, photographs, illustrations, diagrams, logos, trademarks, designs, and models) are the exclusive property of SEPTODONT HOLDING and/or its affiliates worldwide, which is/are solely authorized to use the intellectual property rights related to them.

Use of all or part of the Sites, in particular by means of downloading, reproduction, transmission, display, or distribution other than for your own personal or private use, for commercial or other purposes, is strictly prohibited. Violations are subject to the penalties provided by law.

By using the Sites’ “Share” function to introduce a SEPTODONT HOLDING product to others, you acknowledge and agree that the content made available for sharing may be used only for strictly personal use, which excludes any commercial use on Sites or its web pages and/or any other digital media for commercial purposes.

Hypertext links to the Sites can only be created with the prior written authorization of SEPTODONT HOLDING, which may revoke this authorization at any time.

Websites which have hyperlink to the Sites may not all be controlled by SEPTODONT HOLDING, which consequently disclaims any liability (particularly editorial) in connection with the access to such websites and their content.

SEPTODONT HOLDING is free to modify the Site’s content at any time, without notice.


SEPTODONT HOLDING makes every effort to ensure that the information accessible via the Sites is accurate, complete and up-to-date. However, SEPTODONT HOLDING gives no guarantee whatsoever that this information is accurate, complete and up to date. SEPTODONT HOLDING does not give any express or implied guarantee concerning all or any part of the Sites.

SEPTODONT HOLDING may not in any circumstances be held liable for any indirect or direct damage, whatever its cause, nature, origin and consequences, arising out of the consultation or use of the Sites. In particular, SEPTODONT HOLDING disclaims all liability for any interruption or inaccessibility of the Sites, any occurrence of bugs or any damage resulting from fraudulent acts by third parties (such as intrusion) from the Sites.

SEPTODONT HOLDING has put in place means intended to ensure the security of the files composed from the personal data collected on the Sites. SEPTODONT HOLDING has no control over risks in connection with the functioning of Internet and draws your attention to the existence of potential risks arising in terms of confidentiality of the data transiting via this network.


These Terms may be modified at any time. Publication of any modifications shall take place upon being put on line and you are deemed to have accepted them unconditionally when you access the Sites after they have been put on line. We recommend that you consult this page regularly.


Those Terms have been drawn up pursuant to French Law.

The French courts have exclusive territorial jurisdiction to hear any dispute relating to the Sites.

Updated on: April 2018 – Copyright © SEPTODONT HOLDING